#18 Agile 101 : Part 6 Ceremonies

Smart Product Manager
3 min readJul 28, 2023


Agile ceremonies are structured meetings and events that provide opportunities for collaboration, feedback, and alignment within Agile teams. These ceremonies play a crucial role in facilitating Agile practices and ensuring the smooth functioning of the development process. Here is a detailed list of common Agile ceremonies:

  1. Sprint Planning: Sprint planning is a meeting that takes place at the beginning of each sprint. The Product Owner and the Development Team come together to discuss the items in the product backlog and determine what will be included in the upcoming sprint. The team reviews the priorities, estimates effort, and commits to delivering a set of backlog items during the sprint.
  2. Daily Stand-up (Daily Scrum): The Daily Stand-up is a short, time-boxed meeting held by the Development Team every day. It typically lasts 15 minutes and aims to provide a quick status update on the progress of the work. Each team member answers three questions: What did I accomplish yesterday? What will I do today? Are there any obstacles or blockers?
  3. Sprint Review: At the end of each sprint, the Development Team presents the completed work to stakeholders during the sprint review. The team demonstrates the functioning features and potentially shippable increments developed during the sprint. Stakeholders, including customers and product owners, provide feedback, and the team discusses any adjustments needed for future sprints.
  4. Sprint Retrospective: Following the sprint review, the team holds a Sprint Retrospective to reflect on the sprint’s performance and the development process as a whole. The team discusses what went well, what could be improved, and identifies action items for the next sprint to enhance team productivity and effectiveness.
  5. Backlog Refinement (Grooming): Backlog refinement is an ongoing activity in Agile, where the Product Owner and the Development Team work together to refine and prioritize items in the product backlog. The team discusses, estimates, and breaks down backlog items to ensure they are well-defined and ready for future sprints.
  6. Release Planning: Release planning is a higher-level meeting that occurs less frequently than sprint planning. It involves the entire team and stakeholders to plan the scope and timeline for future releases. The team estimates the backlog items, identifies dependencies, and creates a roadmap for future iterations or product releases.
  7. Product Backlog Review: The Product Backlog Review is an optional ceremony where the Product Owner and stakeholders review the product backlog and assess its prioritization and alignment with business goals. This ceremony ensures the backlog remains up-to-date and reflects the evolving needs of the product.
  8. Daily Kanban Stand-up: In Kanban, teams may hold a daily stand-up meeting to discuss progress and updates on the Kanban board. Team members discuss the status of work items and identify potential bottlenecks or issues.
  9. Kanban Board Review: Regularly, the team holds a Kanban board review to evaluate the flow of work on the board, optimize the Kanban process, and identify opportunities for continuous improvement.
  10. Big Room Planning (PI Planning): In large-scale Agile frameworks like SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework), Big Room Planning or Program Increment (PI) Planning is a multi-day event where multiple Agile teams come together to synchronize their efforts, align on priorities, and plan for the upcoming Program Increment.

These Agile ceremonies promote collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement within the team and with stakeholders. They help ensure that the team remains focused, adaptive, and on track to deliver valuable products efficiently and effectively. The specific ceremonies and their frequency may vary based on the Agile framework used and the unique needs of the project or organization.

This is post is a part of 8 part series of Agile 101 _ Agile Product management for dummies : Follow for the Next Part

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Smart Product Manager

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