#7 12-Agile Frameworks every Product Manager should to know

Smart Product Manager
7 min readJul 19, 2023


12 Agile Frameworks every Product Manager should to know #smartPM medium.com/@smartPM (Copyright: TheSmartPM)

Agile methodologies enable flexibility, collaboration, and innovation blend harmoniously to create outstanding software products. Here are twelve frameworks that have evolved over time, all giving an interesting purpose and edge all while straying true to the Agile principles.

1. Scrum: The Dynamic Sprinter

Scrum is perhaps the most well-known Agile framework and the undisputed champion of Agile frameworks. It draws inspiration from the fast and agile sport of rugby. Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber formalized Scrum’s principles in the 1990s, presenting it as a game-changing approach to project management.

Scrum is a lightweight and adaptable process that focuses on delivering incremental value to the customer. Scrum operates in fixed-length iterations called sprints, typically lasting two to four weeks. The core roles in Scrum are the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team. Daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning, review, and retrospective meetings are essential components of the Scrum framework sprinting towards their goal of delivering incremental value with each two to four-week iteration.

According to a survey by the Scrum Alliance, 72% of surveyed organizations reported increased productivity after adopting Scrum.

2. Kanban: The Smooth Operator

Originating from Japan, Kanban is all about smooth flow and just-in-time delivery. Imagine a factory production line with cards (“kanban” in Japanese) representing work items, moving effortlessly from one stage to another.

With its emphasis on visualizing workflows and setting work-in-progress limits, Kanban ensures tasks never pile up, reducing bottlenecks and boosting efficiency. Kanban board consists of columns representing different stages of the process. Each column can have a limit on the number of items it can hold, promoting a smooth and controlled flow of work. Unlike Scrum, Kanban does not have prescribed roles or fixed iterations, making it suitable for continuous delivery and maintenance projects.

Interestingly, the Toyota Production System, which heavily influenced Kanban, has been the foundation of Toyota’s success, propelling it to become one of the largest automobile manufacturers globally.

3. Extreme Programming (XP): The Fearless Innovator

“If it hurts, do it more often, and bring the pain forward,” says Kent Beck, one of the pioneers of Extreme Programming (XP). XP is like the rebellious rockstar of Agile frameworks, advocating daring practices such as pair programming- where developers code together to catch defects in real-time, test-driven development (TDD) where developers write tests before the code, creating a safety net for future changes along with continuous integration, and frequent releases. XP aims to reduce development time and improve code quality while fostering customer involvement throughout the process.

XP’s boldness has been rewarded; a study published in the IEEE Software journal found that projects following XP practices saw a 95% defect removal efficiency.

4. Lean Software Development: The Minimalist Maestro

Lean Software Development, inspired by lean manufacturing principles, believes in the art of minimizing waste and maximizing value. It focuses on maximizing customer value while minimizing waste, such as unused code or unnecessary features. The seven principles of Lean Software Development include optimizing the whole, amplifying learning, and empowering teams, among others.

This concept traces back to Toyota’s Taiichi Ohno, who coined the term “muda” (waste). Lean development encourages continuous improvement, empowering teams to identify and eliminate non-value-adding activities.

According to a study published in the International Journal of Business and Management, organizations adopting Lean practices reported a significant reduction in development time, achieving up to a 50% reduction in cycle time.

5. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM): The Agile Strategist

DSDM is a strategic framework with the end goal is a successful software project aligned with business goals. Hence the strong focus on project management and aligning business needs with technology development. It provides an iterative and incremental approach to projects, ensuring that solutions are delivered on time and within budget. DSDM advocates active user and stakeholder involvement and embraces changing requirements throughout the development lifecycle, ensuring that solutions meet their needs precisely.

DSDM’s mantra is “Timeboxing,” allowing teams to work with fixed time constraints, much like the ticking clock in reality TV shows. In a study by the British Computer Society, 60% of respondents who used DSDM reported faster time-to-market compared to traditional methods.

6. Crystal: The Agile Chameleon

Crystal is an adaptive Agile framework, similar to a chameleon adjusting its colors to blend into different environments. Created by Alistair Cockburn, Crystal tailors its practices and principles based on the specific project characteristics. Crystal emphasizes frequent delivery, communication, and team collaboration. Crystal Clear is perfect for small teams, while Crystal Orange suits larger projects with multiple teams. A study published in the Journal of Information Science and Engineering found that Crystal methodologies are particularly effective in enhancing teamwork and communication.

7. Feature-Driven Development (FDD): The Feature-Focused Artisan

FDD revolves around craftsmanship, focusing on designing and delivering specific features. This framework thrives on domain modeling, a process of understanding the business domain and creating visual models to guide development. It divides projects into short, time-boxed iterations and relies on domain modeling and feature lists to manage progress. FDD places significant importance on the design phase and the creation of domain-specific models to guide development. As a result, FDD is like a skilled artisan, sculpting each feature with precision.

A case study published in the Journal of Object Technology found that FDD was instrumental in improving collaboration among cross-functional teams, leading to enhanced productivity and higher-quality products.

8. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM): The Agile Strategist

DSDM, the Agile strategist, is akin to a seasoned navigator, charting the course for project success. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is an Agile framework that places a strong emphasis on strategic planning and collaboration. It originated in the early 1990s as a response to traditional software development methods, aiming to align business needs with technology solutions.

This framework emphasizes user involvement, fostering collaboration between business stakeholders and developers throughout the development process to ensure that the final product meets customer expectations.

Much like a captain steering a ship, DSDM’s “MoSCoW” prioritization technique helps identify critical features (Must-haves) and those that can be deferred (Should-haves and Could-haves). A study by DSDM Consortium revealed that DSDM projects boasted a success rate of 95%, highlighting its strategic approach to Agile development.

It utilizes a time-boxed approach, where projects are divided into fixed-length iterations, and prioritization is guided by the “MoSCoW” technique, categorizing requirements as Must-have, Should-have, Could-have, and Won’t-have. DSDM’s strategic focus and iterative approach make it an effective choice for complex projects where continuous feedback and adaptability are crucial.

9. Adaptive Software Development (ASD): The Agile Visionary

Adaptive Software Development is the visionary artist among Agile frameworks, painting a vivid picture of customer satisfaction. Created by Jim Highsmith, ASD embraces uncertainty and welcomes change throughout the project. This framework nurtures a learning culture, encouraging teams to adapt their processes continually.

ASD’s “speculate, collaborate, and learn” philosophy ensures that customer feedback is seamlessly integrated, leading to superior products. A report by Software Productivity Consortium (SPC) found that ASD projects exhibited a 26% higher likelihood of meeting customer requirements compared to traditional approaches.

10. Disciplined Agile (DA): The Agile All-Rounder

Disciplined Agile (DA) prides itself on being the versatile all-rounder, capable of adapting to diverse project scenarios. With a toolkit comprising various Agile and Lean practices, DA allows teams to cherry-pick the best-fit techniques for their unique context.

Scott W. Ambler, the creator of DA, describes it as “A people-first, learning-oriented hybrid Agile approach to IT solution delivery.”

A study conducted by ProjectManagement.com found that organizations that adopted DA reported a 20% increase in project success rates.

11. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe): The Agile Conductor

When Agile projects expand to an enterprise level, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) orchestrates the symphony of teams, departments, and stakeholders. SAFe functions like a seasoned conductor, harmonizing the efforts of multiple Agile teams while maintaining alignment with organizational goals. Through its three levels — Portfolio, Value Stream, and Team — SAFe ensures seamless coordination across the organization.

According to the 15th Annual State of Agile Report, 30% of organizations with more than 5,000 employees use SAFe, highlighting its popularity in large-scale Agile implementations.

12 Rapid Application Development (RAD): The Agile Sprinter

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is the nimble sprinter of Agile frameworks, known for its quick and iterative development cycles. Much like a track athlete, RAD prioritizes speed, delivering functional prototypes in short bursts. By involving end-users from the outset, RAD ensures the final product aligns closely with customer needs.

A case study published in the Journal of Systems and Software revealed that RAD projects experienced an average cost reduction of 27% and a time-to-market acceleration of 49%.

Source: State of Agile report 2019

This is a spectrum of Agile frameworks, each with its own unique hues and applications. From the Scrum, XP, and Lean, these frameworks exemplify the spirit of Agile and its quest for continuous improvement. As software development continues to evolve, Agile methodologies will undoubtedly remain at the forefront, guiding teams to success with their adaptable and collaborative approaches.



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